How to Use the Cold Weather Effect to Boost Your Sales
How to Use the Cold Weather Effect to Boost Your Sales
We all know that large weather events affect the way humans behave, from running out to buy the last gallon of milk before a snow storm to grabbing a pair of goggles before a heatwave hits the local pool. Everybody responds to the weather differently, but the one common thing among all large weather events is that they will change the way consumers shop. With a little insight, successful business owners can tap into these behavioral changes and capture higher sales volumes by using mother nature as a guide.

Cold weather has its own unique advantages for consumer insights. In fact, even the type of cold can dramatically change consumer behaviors!

- People Stay Indoors When It’s Cold. When the skies are dreary and the wind is cutting, people tend to stay indoors more often and for longer periods of time. While this may seem like a disadvantage for brick and mortar retailers, people still have access to their devices, and consumer spending online tends to go up. Prolonged periods of cold weather can even cause depressive moods to skyrocket, and emotional shopping becomes more common across the affected areas. Small retailers in cold areas can capitalize on these sales by closely paying attention to the weather patterns and putting out campaigns encouraging virtual purchases during prolonged periods of grey days. Try sending out emails or working in a social media campaign offering your customers that are in cold areas discounts for the duration of the weather to encourage them to make their emotional purchases at your shop.

- Holiday Stockpiling. Small retailers are no doubt aware that with the holiday season comes a surge of gift purchases. However, it’s often forgotten that with the onset of cold weather like snow and ice, people will rush out to make sure they have the appropriate necessities to get through the poor weather without having to leave their homes. Before large snow storms or ice storms, consider sending out messages to your customers reminding them that your stock of cold weather hats and Winter gloves are exactly what they’ll need in the immediate future.

- Sunny Sales Dips. As a general rule, sunny days show signs of sales losses for online retailers. This is why it’s important for physical retail stores to be mindful of physical sales during nice days. Focus less on the online sales and more on the customers walking into your doors, and you’ll see a surge of activity.

Keeping up with the weather can be difficult and frustrating, especially when we’re given a 50/50 chance of potential weather activity. But successful retailers know that it’s important to at least be aware of these changes, and to prepare for both the best and the worst. Of course, it’s impossible to predict exactly which Winters will be cold and which will be warm. By purchasing your wholesale Winter and wholesale cold weather hats, gloves, mittens and more from Grand Sierra, retailers can harness the power of the skies and get their Winter accessories stocked for rock bottom prices with room for excellent profit margins. Whether the weather will be cold or hot, Grand Sierra will have you covered. Be sure to place your orders before the weather hits so your sales can skyrocket!